Donate New Coats to Kids!

It's hard to believe with the hot weather we are having but it’s that time of the year again…The Friends of Kids with Cancer Annual Coat Drive! We need your help with keeping our patients and their families warm this winter season. With your support we can provide new coats, hats and gloves to children undergoing cancer treatment and their siblings. With so much uncertainty in the world, these coats will make a huge impact on our families!

Click here to register to shop for one child or a whole family. New coats will be added to the list daily so be sure to check back often!

Step 1: Register to shop for one child or a whole family on our reservation page.

Step 2: Find a patient or sibling to reserve coats for from the reservation list.

Step 3: Click the "buy" button on the reservation list to reserve. By clicking "buy" you are reserving this child to purchase a coat for. 

Step 4: Go Shopping for Your Reserved Child

Make your coat purchase at a retail store and deliver your new and unused coats, hats, and gloves to our office September 25th. Deadline extended to Friday, October 11th. Only new and unused items can be accepted. Order online and ship to our office, or drop off your donation.

Direct your donations to:
Friends of Kids with Cancer
Coat Drive C/O YOUR NAME
16 Sunnen Drive, Suite 161
St. Louis, MO 63143

Don't want to shop? We'll shop for you! Monetary donations are gladly accepted.


Thank you for your support in keeping our families warm this season and helping kids with kids!

Please deliver by Friday, October 11th

New, unused items only, please.

Mail or Drop-Off to:

Amber Willis

16 Sunnen Drive, Suite 161

St. Louis, MO 63143


Questions? Contact Amber, Program Facilitator
